San Antonio bed and breakfast.
A Unique Bed & Breakfast In the Heart of San Antonio's Historic District

Our Photo Galleries

Ruckman Haus Photos
Over the years, we have taken many photographs of the house, the rooms and the gardens. You can have a look at these photos by using the "Ruckman Haus Photos" button on the bar above.

Visits from Friends and Family
Since we opened, our friends and family have come often for visits, and they, too, have taken pictures in and around our former bed and breakfast, and have often written narrative descriptions of them. You can have a look at these "visit pages" by using the "Visits From Friends & Family" button on the bar above.

Vacations and Trips
Ron and I, usually accompanied by family or friends, have taken a number of interesting trips in Texas, across the United States, and around the world. We plan to take many more, and to use this area of our photo galleries to hold the pictures we have taken on those trips. Some of these trips are chronicled using interactive Web pages, and we think you will find them immensely interesting. You can access them by using the "Vacations and Trips" button on the bar above.

in and around Ruckman Haus, and we keep the best of them here.would like to the Ruckman Haus photo gallery. Here you will find an assortment of pictures taken in and around Ruckman Haus. The pictures are organized into albums, and within each album, each picture is represented by a small thumbnail. To see a picture full-size, just click on its thumbnail. You may then browse backwards and forwards through the album of pictures using the controls provided.

The albums are shown below; just click on one to access it. (You can also use the drop-down menu under "Pictures" on the menu bar above.)

The House

Gardens & Decks

The English Room

The French Room

The Highlands

The Luxembourg Room

The Sun Room Suite

At Breakfast

Ron and Prudence Ruckman