As has been the case in prior years, the album pages for the years covered by this index will contain much content from websites on the Internet. Of course, the Internet is still many years in the future, and so it is only because these pages were created in 2021 that I am able to include the maps, aerial views, and other such content.

1971 Photograph Album Pages

January 9-10, 1971: A Weekend at Dr. Kim's in Seoul
January 17-29, 1971: My First Trip to Japan
March 6, 1971: A Korean Show at the Officers' Club
March-April, 1971: Evenings at the Officers' Club
March 27, 1971: A Saturday Trip Into Seoul
April 1-2, 1971: Around Camp Howze & the Finance Office
April, 1971: 2nd Division Moves to Camp Casey
April 24, 1971: A Saturday Trip Into Seoul
April 28, 1971: A Money Run to Seoul
May 1, 1971: A Visit to Namsan Mountain
May 3-30, 1971: Seven Events in May
June 11-18, 1971: My Second Trip to Japan
July 7, 1971: My Departure From Korea
July 10-18, 1971: My First Trip to Hawaii
July 18 - August 7, 1971: Traveling to Fort Harrison
October 16-17, 1971: A Visit to Chicago
October 30-31, 1971: A Visit to Muskegon
December 4-5, 1971: Visiting Uncle Bud in Detroit
December 22-26, 1971: Christmas in North Carolina

Miscellaneous Pictures for 1971