San Antonio bed and breakfast.
A Unique Bed & Breakfast In the Heart of San Antonio's Historic District

April 12-13: The New Mission Reach on the San Antonio Riverwalk
Oceober 20-22, 2009: Visiting Ruckman Haus with Ron and Jay
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December 1-4, 2009: Guy, The Riverwalk and Austin

Fred and I have not been to see Prudence and Ron in a while, and we found out some weeks ago that our friend, Guy Blair, from Green Bay, was going to be down in San Antonio for a visit this week, so we contacted Prudence and Ron and they said we should surely come on down. So that is our short trip for this week.

We arrived at Ruckman Haus on Tuesday afternoon; Guy had arrived there the previous day. We spent our first afternoon and evening catching up with him, and looking at some of the pictures from our cruise.


Northern Extension of the Riverwalk

On Tuesday, it was quite chilly, but the three of us decided to go over to the new northern part of the Riverwalk, since Guy had not yet been there. Fred and I had toured it with Ron and Jay back in October, but we enjoyed showing it to Guy as well.

Fred and I (and also Guy) have been to the downtown Riverwalk a number of times, and you have seen pictures taken along it and a diagram of it before. What you may not know is that San Antonio has been extending the Riverwalk northward; eventually, it will go almost all the way to the Witte Museum. For now, though, the Riverwalk extends about a block north of the old Pearl Brewery (which is currently being transformed from a brewery to office, retail and residential space). So on Wednesday morning after another of Ron's excellent breakfasts, we drove over to the Pearl Brewery and parked in the lot there for free, and right at the edge of the lot was a new entrance to the San Antonio Riverwalk.

As I've marked on the aerial view below, we entered the Riverwalk at the Pearl Brewery where there is a beautiful series of waterfalls and pools. (I should note that the aerial view was taken before any of the new work on this part of the Riverwalk was undertaken, so you can't see the widened river, the new walkways on either side or any of the other features that you'll see in our pictures.)

We explored the waterfalls and pools and then crossed the river and walked to the current northern terminus, then turned around and walked back. At the brewery, just before we crossed back over to the east side of the Riverwalk and headed south towards downtown, I got a picture of Guy and Fred. The picture looks north towards the current end of the Riverwalk, and you can have a look at it here.

Fred also took a few pictures here near the Pearl Brewery; click on the thumbnail images below to have a look at them:

Back on the east side of the San Antonio River, we decided to follow the walkway south; Ron Ruckman had said that the last time he and Prudence were down here, he didn't remember that the walkway on the west side of the river had been completed, and that there was some backtracking involved. We did find that you can walk along either side, at least as far as the Museum of Art.

As we walked along down towards the next bridge over the Riverwalk at Newell Avenue, all of admired all the work that has gone into the construction of this unique attraction- including the plantings all along the walkways on either side of the river. You might be interested to know that The Riverwalk has been designated an ASHS Horticultural Landmark. When we got to Newell Avenue, and walked under the bridge, we saw this interesting seating area sheltered by giant mushroom. I couldn't determine if it was a bus stop or what, but it was unique.

Across the river on the west side is a new feature that I'll just call The Grotto. The last time we were here, we didn't go across the river to explore it, but today the three of us did so. Approaching it from the north, we could see inside the grotto; there were stalagtites on the ceiling, and two waterfalls- one outside and another inside. When we got inside the grotto, we found that it conceals a stairway up to street level, among other interesting features. One of those interesting features was a carved face, and you could see the inside waterfall through it. The grotto was a really interesting attraction along the Riverwalk.

The Grotto

I made a movie of the grotto, including Fred, Guy and the grotto itself.


Heading south, we could see, up ahead, the I-35 bridge over the Riverwalk, and we could also see that there appeared to be some things hanging down underneath the bridge. Pretty soon, we got close enough to see that they were fish! Not real ones, of course, but colorful sculptures. They were whimsical and quite beautiful, and we spent a few minutes wandering around on both sides of the river admiring them.

The next feature we encountered was the " Brewery Bridge." We learned that this bridge is not new, but actually more than a century old. In 1884, the Lone Star Brewery began operations on the site across the river. Famed brewer Adolphus Busch expanded and modernized the plant in the 1890s. The brick and stone building had two towers, and these were connected by a steel bridge used to move beer barrels. You can just see this bridge in the illustration at left.

Prohibition ended beer production here in 1918, after which many businesses occupied the buildings until the early 1970s when they were largely abandoned. A massive renovation transformed the brewery into the San Antonio Museum of Art that opened in 1981. An enclosed walkway replaced the original bridge, which was dismantled and stored. In 2009, the bridge was incorporated at this site as part of the San Antonio River Improvements Project.

We took another couple of good pictures of the Brewery Bridge, and you can have a look at them here and here.

After going back and forth across the Brewery Bridge, we spent some more time walking up and down along this new part of the Riverwalk. We did not go so far as the locks and dam as we did when we were here with Ron and Jay in October, but Guy did get a good idea of what this new part of the Riverwalk system is like. As we headed back to the car, I took a few more pictures that you might be interested in looking at, and you can do so if you click on the thumbnail images at right.


A Day Trip to Austin

When we got back from the Riverwalk, Ron and Prudence had pretty much finished cleaning up from the breakfast they'd served to their other guests, and they suggested that we take a drive up to Austin to hang out. I think there was an art gallery Prudence wanted to see, and maybe an antique store or two. So about eleven o'clock we got into their SUV and headed up the highway.

By twelve-thirty or so we were at the giant flagship store for Whole Foods in downtown Austin, just wandering around. Prudence and Guy spent some time in the store's wine cellar where Prudence picked up a couple of bottles of different wines she had'nt tried. We ended up having a bit of lunch in their cafe upstairs.

Then we drove downtown and parked on Congress Street, just a couple of blocks down from the Texas State Capitol Building. We crossed the street to visit the Austin Museum of Art. I thought the view of the state capitol was nice enough today that I'd ask Fred to step back out to the middle of the street so I could take advantage of the very light traffic to get a picture of him with the state capitol in the background, and you can have a look at that picture here.

We spent an hour or so in the AMOA; there were some interesting exhibits- all of it modern art. And we did some shopping in the museum store, where I bought a couple of things to lay away as gifts for my sister in the future. Then Ron took us to Perry's Steakhouse downtown, just a short distance from the AMOA. He and Prudence had been there before, perhaps because they have an extensive "wine cellar," which actually looks more like a library- a whole wall of wine bottle niches extending from floor to ceiling with a sliding ladder like in a library.

We had a really good meal; I enjoyed it very much. I took one candid shot of Fred and Guy and Guy took one of the rest of us. You can see that second picture here.

Perry's Steakhouse

The interior of Perry's Steakhouse was very nicely done, so I made a movie beginning in the Wine Room and moving out to the bar area where the five of us had dinner.


We spent another two days with Ron, Prudence and Guy, taking Guy to the airport early on Friday morning. We came back to the B&B to have some breakfast with Ron and Prudence, and then Fred and I headed out for home. It was another very nice visit, made all the better because we got to see Guy again.

It was another enjoyable visit to Ruckman Haus.

April 12-13: The New Mission Reach on the San Antonio Riverwalk
Oceober 20-22, 2009: Visiting Ruckman Haus with Ron and Jay
Return to the Ruckman Haus Photo Gallery Page

Ron and Prudence Ruckman