San Antonio bed and breakfast.
A Unique Bed & Breakfast In the Heart of San Antonio's Historic District

April 15-18, 2009: The Institute of Texan Cultures
August 24-27, 2008: Prudence's Birthday
Return to the Ruckman Haus Photo Gallery Page

October 21-23, 2008

Although Fred and I were leaving for Florida shortly, when we found out that Guy Blair would be in San Antonio for a few days, we made it a point to drive down there to visit. We left on Tuesday morning and came back Friday morning and had a very nice visit with Ron, Prudence and Guy.

You've undoubtedly seen a lot of Ruckman Haus on other album pages, so I won't repeat any of that information. You might want to know, though, that just a short time ago I completed a renovation of their Web Site for them.

We did our usual stuff with Guy and the Ruckmans; we have gotten so comfortable with them and they with us that when we are visiting we more just hang out with them than have a formal visit. We have also tended to take fewer and fewer pictures, as we've already shown you the house and gardens on numerous album pages. So all I'll do here is include a few of the pictures and movies that I took while we were there this week.

The only movie that I took this week was a film of Fred showing Prudence and Guy the pictures from our tour of the Arts District earlier this month. Prudence has always been interested in the arts scene- both in Fort Worth and in Dallas, and she was very interested in the plans for the Arts District and seeing the new buildings under construction. So Fred showed our pictures to both of them, and you can watch a movie of him doing so with the player at left.


Below you will find a set of thumbnail images for some of the pictures we took this week. Click on those images to view the pictures:


We had a good visit, as we always do with Ron and Prudence.

April 15-18, 2009: The Institute of Texan Cultures
August 24-27, 2008: Prudence's Birthday
Return to the Ruckman Haus Photo Gallery Page

Ron and Prudence Ruckman