![]() A Unique Bed & Breakfast In the Heart of San Antonio's Historic District
Now the Fred's time is his own, we can go down to visit Prudence during the week, but this first trip down to see here this year will be over a weekend. We left on Friday and plan to return next Monday. We hopped a flight on Southwest down to San Antonio, where Prudence picked us up at the airport in the early afternoon. Ron is still up in Illinois with his family. Prudence had us in the English Room this time, and the first thing we did when we got in was to go out back to take a look at their new garage apartment.
Background of the Construction
About three months later, the framing for the new apartment was well along; click on the thumbnails to see the full-size pictures:
By August of last year, the new apartment had been enclosed and most of the roofing was done, as you can see
Prudence and Ron had also begun work on the other aspect of the project which was to put a balcony on the back of the main house that would be shared by the French Room and the English Room. Some work has been done on the
balcony construction
as you can see from my vantage point on the second floor of the new garage apartment. Since August, much has been done, but the devil is in the details, as they say, the Prudence and Ron tell us it has been like pulling teeth to get the contractor and the workmen to move more rapidly and still do just what the Ruckmans want.
New Main House Balcony
We went into the Luxembourg Room and crossed to open the door out onto the patio. From the patio doorway in the Luxembourg Room, here is a view of the
new garage apartment.
We also stopped to take some pictures with Prudence, and so there is one with
Prudence and I
and one with
Prudence and Fred.
new patio
is really quite nice; it is much wider and longer than I thought it was going to be. As you can see, both rooms now have outdoor seating areas, and there is a wrought iron divider in the middle of the patio to separate the areas for each room. Prudence wants to find some way to make each half of the patio more private; this will probably involve some kind of trellis above or beside the divider. Right now, in winter, the foliage is not at its best, and so the
view of the garage apartment
is mainly what you see now. Prudence has had ceiling fans installed to keep the patio air moving on really hot days.
The Garage Apartment
When you enter the apartment, you are looking directly
down the hall towards the bedroom.
There is a utility room on your right and a
stairway to the loft.
When you get up the short stairway, the stairs turn and one more step takes you onto
the loft.
Originally, Prudence thought that she might be able to put a bed up here for a guest, but the loft isn't big enough for that, so she is going to use it as a small office and reading area. Behind us you can see the clerstory windows that look out the back, a railing and the living room ceiling fan. This view looks
down into the living room
from the loft, and you can see some of the French doors out to the balcony as well as the new flat screen TV that they have installed on the wall separating the living room from the bedroom. There are also clerstory windows on the front of the apartment, and, using his zoom, Fred could see the
main house balcony
through these windows.
Back down on the main floor, we traipsed through the living room (pictures of that tomorrow) and went to take a look at the bedroom. It also has French doors out onto the balcony, a small closet in the back,
clerstory windows,
a smaller flat screen TV on the wall and an entry to the bathroom (which also has an entry to the living room). Fred got a good picture of the
shower detail.
The tilework was very nicely done. As we left to go back to the main house, Fred took a picture of Prudence and I looking at the French doors in the
entry hall.
I plan on doing a whole bunch of photos and taking some movies out in the new apartment tomorrow; our light was fading today and I hadn't yet set up my new camera.
A Quiet Evening
We went out for some dinner and then came back and just relaxed. Prudence and Fred caught up on things while I picked up a book that Ron Ruckman had about George Bush (very negative) and the Iraq War, and spent much of the evening
reading it
before we retired to the English Room and bed.
Using My New Camera
I took a test picture of Prudence's living room, and then made a short movie of the same room, just to see how the camera worked. Those pictures are unremarkable and I have not included them here. The first picture taken with my new Canon camera that I'll be including in this album is one that I asked Prudence to take of
Fred and I
sitting on her couch. Then I returned the favor and took a picture of
her (Prudence)
and one of her cat,
Photographing the New Garage Apartment
Some Additional Pictures
We picked Ron up at the airport in the afternoon; he had brought back a nasty cold with him. We just had dinner at Tomatillo's and came back to the house to relax.
An Apartment Tour
Prudence was trying to make some decisions about the colors in the apartment, and we went up with her for a while. Fred got some good detailed views of the
clerstory windows
and the
French doors.
We, too, went back to the house eventually, and Fred got a shot of
me on the west deck.
The rest of our visit was pleasant. Ron got to feeling better on Monday, although I started feeling worse. As it turned out, either I caught whatever Ron had or, more likely, caught something entirely different. After our last Frisbee session on Monday, I was sore, achy and coughing. I hoped that I hadn't caught something that might interfere with our trip to Florida and the Caribbean Cruise.
Ron and Prudence Ruckman
stay@ruckmanhaus.com |