A Unique Bed & Breakfast In the Heart of San Antonio's Historic District
For the weekend of April 30, Prudence asked Fred and I if we would come down for a visit, to see Guy and his mother, who was in town from South Carolina. We both hadn't been down to visit in a while, and so we were happy to take her up on her offer.
As usual, we arrived on Friday night, where we got picked up, and the six of us had dinner on the way in from the airport.
Both Saturday and Sunday were spent visiting with the Ruckmans and their other guests, running some errands, visiting with Guy and his Mom, and generally hanging out. I brought my computer, of course, and on Saturday afternoon pulled up the pictures I'd taken when Guy visited us in Florida earlier in the year, and did a
picture show for the group
in Prudence's dining room. While I was doing that, Fred took a closeup of
Guy and his Mother.
I remember remarking to
Guy and his Mother
how much I thought she looked like Kathryn Joosten, a character actress whose last major role was as President Jed Bartlett's secretary on The West Wing. Neither one knew who she was, but that's the beauty of the Internet; I was able to show them a picture of her in pretty short order.
We enjoyed our visit a great deal, and were sorry to have to fly back to Dallas after dinner on Sunday.
Ron and Prudence Ruckman
stay@ruckmanhaus.com |