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July 5, 2016: An Excursion on DART |
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May 17 - June 2, 2016: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale |
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In early May, Jeffie emailed from Prague that she would be coming to the US for a three-day visit, and I immediately made plans to be with her, Ted and my sister for the visit. Jeffie had a very special airfare that allowed her to stay either three days or 14, and since she couldn't be away from her work that long, the three-day trip it was. I made arrangements to meet with Jeffie on Tuesday morning, June 14th and drive her up to Charlotte to her brother's house.
Our Trip to Charlotte
I flew to Atlanta on Monday evening. The story of that trip is one that many of you have become familiar with in the days since air travel became less of an adventure and more of a hassle. Having heard stories of TSA delays at DFW, I left home for my 6:30PM flight at about 3 in the afternoon; it is usually a 30-minute trip to the airport. The traffic on my usual route was worse that I ever remembered, and no sooner had I got into a stretch of Northwest Highway where there are no other routes to the airport but the one you are on that I discovered that the road was closed because of an accident. I actually had to climb a median, turn around and try to find another way to the airport. It was about 3:45 when I turned around.
Security was the ONLY thing that went right. The line was almost non-existent, and with my TSA Pre-Check status I was through security in 3- count 'em, 3- minutes! So I was at the gate just over an hour ahead of my flight. Sadly, my troubles were not over, as the flight crew had not arrived from their own delayed flight, and so our flight to Atlanta was delayed for almost two hours. I didn't get to Atlanta until well after 11PM, and by the time I got my car and found my way to the hotel, it was after midnight.
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I'd already coordinated with Jeffie about picking her up on Tuesday morning. Before I planned to come, she was going to take an upscale bus from Atlanta to Charlotte, but with the times she would only have a few hours at her brother's house. With me driving, she'd have a much longer visit, and I'd get to visit with her on the way as well. So I picked a suburban hotel only a mile or so from where I picked her up at her friend's coffee-and-chocolate shop in the Dunwoody area of northwest Atlanta.
Together we drove up I-85 all the way into Charlotte, doing a lot of catching up on the way. We talked about everything- her Mom, her brother, how her job was going in Prague, US politics (her Czech Republic friends are always asking her what the heck is going on over here this year), what Fred and I have been doing, and so on. Together, we solved most of the world's major outstanding problems, although I don't think we got around to ISIS.
Ted lives in a nice neighborhood just a few blocks south of the Independence Expressway out Monroe Road off of Sharon Amity Road. The house I grew up in can be reached by going around south Charlotte on Sharon Amity, which takes you to Southpark Mall; then Park Road into the city for a ways and you are at my childhood home. My Mom's condo was also near Southpark.
Ted lives on a quiet cul-de-sac in a small house with a large back yard. With his job as an investigating officer with the Charlotte Police Department, he is not home all that often anyway, so the small, compact house suits him well. And the back yard suits his four large dogs- all of which are rescues. As it turned out, my sister and her son are dog people, while Jeffie and I are cat persons. I don't have a particular problem with well-behaved, small dogs. Judy's are small but they bark a lot; Ted's don't bark all that much but they are quite large. But to each his own. (My sister has barn cats as well.)
So when we pulled up, we saw that Judy was just getting out of her car and going in to Ted's house. No one had told Judy I was coming; I wanted it to be a surprise. And when Jeffie and I rang the doorbell, she was that. Judy's brother-in-law, Jon, arrived an hour or so after we did.
Our Visit in Charlotte
When we first arrived, Ted's dog Lucy and maybe one of the others barked a bit; Ted says they do so whenever someone comes to the house, like the mailman, a meter reader or the like. But once they know who you are, and particularly if you are inside, they quiet down. Unlike the dogs of some other friends, they remain quiet, even if you get up and move around; once they know who you are, they seem to remember that you are "safe", and don't need to be alerted to.
Ted has some kennels in the kitchen and a gate so that when he needs to, he can sequester the dogs there. They can still hear and see what's going on, but their natural friendliness, expressed in a fair amount of nuzzling and jumping, can be controlled. Ted has done a good thing in taking these dogs in; they would otherwise be in shelters and might even have been euthanized. We feel kind of the same way about all our cats.
We had a lot of nice conversation before Jon arrived; we were all very interested in hearing all about Jeffie's experiences in Prague. She has been there for a couple of years now, teaching business English to people in the Czech Republic. I think we were all under a bit of misapprehension about just what her job involved; I thought, for example, that she taught classes of Czechs who didn't speak any English at all. Not so, as it turns out; most of her work as an independent contractor, is to help business people hone their English skills, and she works with them one, two or three at a time at their own offices.
Again, we spent a good deal of time so that everyone could catch up with Jon; Judy, Jeffie and Ted, of course, were much more familiar with him than I was, since he was in Burlington while they were growing up. But I enjoyed hearing the stories he had to relate. About 12:30, we went over by Cotswold Mall to have lunch at a Thai place Ted and Jeffie knew about, and their I had our server take a group picture. Here are some of the pictures from our morning visit:
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We had a nice lunch; both Ted and Jeffie are fond of Thai food, and Jeffie can always find something vegetarian. We returned to Ted's house and were able to talk a lot more.
I also made one movie out front of Ted's house a little while before Jon got ready to leave and head back to Asheville:
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We continued to visit for the rest of the afternoon, until about six. About then, Judy needed to head back to Elon and Jeffie and I needed to start on the road back to Atlanta. This was a really neat family visit, and I hope that Jeffie is able to return to the States more frequently.
At Halfshire Farms
Jeffie had lived in Decatur for years, and had gone back and forth to the stables so many times that she knew all the back roads to take to avoid traffic and minimize the distance. I had only been to Halfshire Farms once, in the dark, following directions she'd given me from a different direction, but this time I simply had to put myself entirely in her hands and follow her turn by turn directions. We made so many turns on these rural Georgia roads that I am pretty sure that if I tried to retrace that path I would get hopelessly lost.
We did get to the stables, though, and as soon as we got close then I recognized the route, and I certainly recognized the stables themselves from our visit some years ago.
We saw a couple of Jeffie's friends in the stables, and then she and I walked out to the far pasture where Logan and a couple of other horses were grazing. Halfshire Farms is a beautiful place; I hope the horses appreciate it. If I were literally being put out to pasture, it would be a great place for the pasture to be.
We walked out to Logan's pasture and entered it, where I took the first few pictures of Jeffie and her horse:
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I am constantly amazed how animals can recognize humans that are important to them; I see that every day with the cats that we have, and how they treat Fred and I as opposed to guests they don't know. Logan was no exception; he came right to Jeffie as soon as she called to him.
Not all of the pictures I took of the two of them or of Logan were really great, but I am going to include almost all of them here, so that Jeffie can show as many of them as she wishes to her friends in Prague:
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There were some other horses out in this pasture, and they began to come close to try to horn in on the biscuits, so Jeffie took Logan out the gate to the path between the pastures so she could give him individual attention.
I was not quite sure how many pictures to take, but I erred on the side of taking more, rather than less, figuring that even if I didn't think them good enough, Jeffie would have access to them online. So out here in the pathway between pastures I took another picture of Logan grazing and another picture of Jeffie and her horse.
As I said, the countryside around here is very pretty; much more so than outside Dallas where it is much less green all the time. I stood down the pathway a bit and took a series of pictures in a complete circle, intending to put them together into a 360° panorama. It turned out well, and it is in the scrollable window below:
Again, I took rather more pictures than I really needed to, but these were more for Jeffie's benefit than perhaps for the casual visitor to my photo album.
I also made one final movie out here in the pasture, the poignant one of Jeffie saying farewell to Logan. Neither she nor I can be sure when she will be back here again; it could be another year or more.
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Around noon Jeffie and I left the stables and drove back into Atlanta and directly to Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport. My own flight was at about 2:30, while Jeffie's overseas flight didn't leave until about 5. I said goodbye to her and headed off for my flight. It was a really nice visit, and I hope Jeffie returns again soon. It is also possible that Fred and I might visit her in Prague sometime next spring.
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July 5, 2016: An Excursion on DART |
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May 17 - June 2, 2016: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale |
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