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October 26, 2014: A Visit With Jeffie |
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October 23-24, 2014: A Visit With My Sister in Elon, NC |
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As part of this trip to Florida, we are going to go to my 50th high school reunion in Charlotte, which took place on Friday and Saturday, October 24th and 25th. We worked in a visit to my sister in Elon yesterday and this morning, and now we have driven down to Charlotte to check in to our hotel and get ready for tonight's opening mixer.
Where Are We in Charlotte?
On Friday night, there was an opening cocktail party/mixer that was held at a place I'd never been before- Rooster's Restaurant and Pub, which is part of the huge Southpark Mall complex, itself located a couple of miles south of the High School, and about four miles south of where I lived and grew up in town.
On Saturday morning, the organizers put together a nostalgic tour of our High School which, I might point out, has changed relatively little in 50 years. After that tour, one of our more well-to-do alumni hosted a luncheon at her son's house near the intersection of Providence Road and Queens Road, about two miles north of both the High School itself and the Country Club.
To be as centrally-located as possible, and be in a hotel that would let us bring Zack into our room with us, we chose a new Extended Stay America hotel about three miles west of Southpark Mall, at the Tyvola Road intersection with I-77, which runs north/south from Columbia, South Carolina, up past Davidson College and on into Virginia.
My high school was, when I attended, considered the city's best, and is still routinely on lists of the best high schools in the United States. This is not surprising, since it was located smack in the middle of the most affluent neighborhood in Charlotte. I did not live in that neighborhood; I was fortunate in that the high school drew from an area larger than those neighborhoods, and that area included the junior high that I attended.
Our Hotel
We found the hotel with no problem, coming down from my sister's house in Elon, and we got settled in and ready to go to the first Reunion activity- the Friday night cocktail mixer.
Friday Night at Rooster's Bar
At Park Road, Tyvola turns into Fairview Road, which runs right by Southpark Mall- Charlotte's first indoor mall. Just past the mall, we turned left on Sharon Road and the left again on Morrison to park at Rooster's.
On the aerial view at left, I have also marked the location of the Bricktop Restaurant, where nine of us went for dinner after the cocktail party wound down.
The cocktail party/mixer was held in an atrium-like area that separated the restaurant from the bar. Right at the door, there was a desk with blank nametags laid out on it. I made out tags for myself and for Fred, and we headed into the thick of the crowd so I could find someone I remembered.
We had a good time at the reception, although I let Fred off the hook and didn't drag him around with me all the time. But he did meet some of my classmates and they him. As the reception wound down, a group of us decided to walk down the street to a restaurant that one of us recommended to have supper. At the restaurant, we took a couple of candid pictures, and you can click on the thumbnails below to have a look at them:
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After a pleasant supper, we walked Jenny back to her car and made plans to meet the next morning at the high school for our tour.
A Saturday Morning Tour of Myers Park High School
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NOTE Both Fred and I took quite a few pictures during the tour- at each of the stops we made. I would normally give you a group of thumbnails for the pictures from each stop and, while there might be only 5-10 pictures in each group, when you add them all up it results in quite a lot of opening and closing pictures. So what I will do for our tour today is to talk about each of the stops, and maybe have an inline picture or two, but then put the rest of the pictures in a slideshow that you will find after the section about the luncheon that was part of our tour. Doing things this way, if you are a visitor just browsing through the album, you can just look at the inline pictures. But if you are, perhaps, a classmate, or attended Myers Park, or have some special interest in seeing all the pictures, be sure to use the slideshow- its easy, and you can go through all the pictures in just a couple of minutes or so. |
Meeting at the Circle
Of course I met up with Jenny again; you'll see her on the tour. And I reintroduced myself to everyone I remembered. You can see more of the pictures we took here at the circle in the slideshow after our luncheon.
About 9:30, one of the current coaches gathered us together, introduced himself, and we headed off to our first stop- the new Administration Building.
In the Administration Building (Main Office)
The admin building was where the principal's office and other offices were located, and at the south end you could find the cafeterial. There were also a few classrooms and the Student Lounge. Although not in the middle of the campus, it was a focal point of student life. We took lots of pictures here, and you will find a group of them in the slideshow.
In one of the slideshow pictures, you'll see a photo of me taking a picture of a couple of classmates that I knew, and I'd like to single out that picture here. In it you'll see Alec Steele and Ron Linker; Ron was also one of the reunion organizers.
When we exited the Admin Building, I found that a number of other classmates I knew had shown up, so we got re-acquainted before walking through the Math Building.
New Arrivals and the Math Building
In addition to the photo at left, we took some more pictures outside the Admin building, mostly of the new classmates who had arrived, and I've put more of them in the slideshow at the end of the luncheon.
Our group went through the dark hall of the Math building to exit at the far end. There, the group headed down a path through the woods (that I only dimly remembered) that takes you from the front parking area to the north end of the Physics/Language Arts building.
A Walk in the Black Forest
We took a few more pictures along the path, and I have put them in the slideshow that appears after the section about our lunch.
Fred made a short movie as we walked along the path, but it doesn't show much more than folks being careful walking down and up the pathway, so I won't include it here.
The pathway comes out in the area between the north end of the building where I had AP English and the buildings where the Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs were. Anyway, before going in to the LA Building, I took four pictures of this corner of the campus and stitched them together into the panorama below:
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In the LA Building
From the English classroom, we continued through the LA building to stick our heads in the library.
![]() The Myers Park High School Media Center |
Actually, they don't call it the "Library" anymore; now it's the "media center". I guess that's because so many of the books have been replaced with Internet access. Certainly, when I was at high school, the only "media" equipment we had were filmstrip, movie and overhead projectors- and the library was actually filled with books. Now, one whole side of the library is devoted, apparently, to computers and Internet access.
Today, computers are ubiquitous- no more so than in schools. Why try to keep many thousands of physical books in a room when you have access to many millions of them online- via paid services specifically designed for schools and educational institutions. And with kids arriving in first grade already familiar with cell phones and the family laptop, there is very little learning curve. It seemed as if over half the library was devoted to online access.
We took a bunch more pictures here in the Media Center, and, again, I have chosen to put them in the slideshow at the end of our lunch.
From the Library, our group (now fairly large) headed out into the central campus "yard", heading toward what used to be the admin building.
On the Quadrangle
Myers Park was built in a time when there was a lot of land available, and it is very spread out; none of the buildings are more than a single story, save for the new office building. There are covered breezeways that connect most of the buildings, and this huge open space around which all the original buildings are clustered. Out in the middle of the quad, I stopped to see if I could take a whole series of photos to stitch together into a 360°-panorama. I was successful, and you can use the scrollable window below to see the result:
Over by the patio, someone got the idea to use one of the picnic tables as a set of bleachers so we could take some group photos. It was like herding cats to get everyone positioned (except the people who were taking pictures).
The picture at left was taken from the patio outside the cafeteria (pitures of which you will see in the slideshow). The walk that you see at the extreme right of the picture leads along the patio outsie the student lounge and leads to the new admin offices as well as the math building.
Fred took most of the pictures here, but I also did some closer shots of some of my classmates, and I have put these additional pictures in the slideshow.
When the picture-taking session broke up, our group headed into the student center.
In the Student Center
I have to admit that I also remembered the cafeteria- perhaps too well. Our tour guide brought the group into this room- one of the few that all of us would have used at one time or another. I did find, however, that things have changed. I believe that lunches were something on the order of 75 cents, depending on how much food you bought, but I don't remember breakfasts, or reduced price lunches or credit cards.
Leaving the cafeteria (pardon me, the "Cafe") we walked down the hall to the east where the trophy cases that we all remembered are still located, although I assume that by now most of the trophies have been switched out with new ones won in the last fifty years. (Fifty years- it is hard to believe. Actually, it is pretty amazing that a school built sixty years ago is still as modern and functional as it is.)
We left the Student Center by the east doors, and then turned south to go see the old and new gymnasiums.
Our Tour Concludes in the Gymnasium
Apparently, however, that gym wasn't good enough over the years, and so the school built, in a new building attached to the old gym on the west, an entirely new gym. To me, the new one, albeit larger, seemed no better inside than the old, but the coach went on and on about it. We milled about for a while, looking at some vintage school newspapers from 1964, and I took a final picture of some of my classmates and their spouses before the tour came to an end.
Fred and I walked Jenny back to the circle and to the parking lot, where we got in our cars and headed off to the next Reunion activity- a luncheon at the home of one of our classmate's children.
The Saturday Luncheon
Pictures from the Tour and Our Luncheon
To view the slideshow, just click on the image at left and I will open the slideshow in a new window. In the slideshow, you can use the little arrows in the lower corners of each image to move from one to the next, and the index numbers in the upper left of each image will tell you where you are in the series. When you are finished looking at the pictures, just close the popup window.
When the lunch was over, about 2:30, we had some time before the evening dinner/dance, so I drove Fred around some of the neighborhoods where I had grown up.
A Nostalgic Visit to 3026 Somerset Drive
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I had driven Fred by the house once some years ago, but since we had the time, I thought we would do it again and he could get a picture of me standing in front of it.
I had also been here without Fred a year or two before that visit with him, and at that time I rang the bell to see if I might meet the new owner and perhaps have a look inside. I did meet the young woman who lived there but she, perhaps understandably, was reluctant to allow even a well-dressed, mild-mannered middle-aged man to come inside. Today, there was an older woman out on the porch, and when she noticed us taking pictures she called out a greeting. I explained from a distance that I had grown up in the house and, when I did, she cordially invited me to come have a look at what her daughter and her had done with the house. So that is how I came to get a tour of the old house. The bones were the same, but the inside of the old house had been much changed, and there was a large new addition in back.
I want to put the pictures Mrs. Coates was quite willing to let me take on this page. You may not have much interest in them, but I want to record them nevertheless. To see any of the full-size pictures, just click on the little thumbnail.
I was very pleased to have a tour of the house and a look around the property.
I was very pleased to get these pictures and this movie of my old house, so the stop today was well worth it. We continued on back to the hotel, passing right by the condo comples where my Mom lived from 1977 to 1996, when she moved to Dallas. Fred and I drove into the complex so I could get what will undoubtedly be my last picture of my Mom's condo on Cranford Road. You can see that picture here.
The Reunion Dinner/Dance
And I was pleased to reconnect with Monroe Gilmour, who went to Davidson with me, and Charles Couric, who moved to California after High School. He eventually became the US licensee for Brita water filters, built a successful company and sold it. My guess is that he is now our wealthiest alumnus (and, I am pleased to say, a 7-figure contributor to liberal causes). I took a nice picture of Monroe (L), and Mr. and Mrs. Couric, and you can see that picture here.
I took some additional candid pictures at the dinner dance- of Jenny, Steve, myself and others. I apologize for the bad lighting in some of them, but you can click on the thumbnail images below to have a look:
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Jenny and I had a good time at the dinner and dance, and it was a nice way to bring the Reunion activities to a close. I took Jenny home and returned to describe the evening to Fred. The next morning, we headed down to Atlanta for a visit with my niece Jeffie.
You can use the links below to continue to another photo album page.
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October 26, 2014: A Visit With Jeffie |
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October 23-24, 2014: A Visit With My Sister in Elon, NC |
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