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October 12-26, 2011: A Trip to Florida |
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September 24 - October 1, 2011: A Trip to New England |
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It has been about seven weeks since Fred's bypass operation, and it is time for him to go down to DeLeon to visit his mother. But, according to his cardiologist and surgeon, he is not yet ready to drive a vehicle. So I am finally going to get the chance to visit DeLeon, see his mother's house and, perhaps, even meet her in person. I have talked to her on the phone before, but I have never been with Fred to DeLeon.
Our plan is to drive down to DeLeon this morning (Tuesday), stopping so Fred can do his usual shopping for the things he knows his mother needs. Then we'll drive to DeLeon and out to his mother's house. I will drop him off with everything he has brought for her and then go back into town to stay at the DeLeon Inn. I'll be on my own until Wednesday afternoon, when I'll pick him up again. We'll drive back to Dallas via Cleburne where we'll have supper with Nina, Fred's stepmother.
Getting to DeLeon
North of DeLeon, Fred took me on a side trip to stop briefly at his Aunt Charlotte's house. I have met her a number of times in connection with her daughter's hospitalization in Dallas earlier this year. She is quite a nice person, and it was nice to stop and see where she lived- as Fred has talked about her often.
We took Highway 16 south, and about five miles south of town turned off to the east on FM 2318 which heads over towards Lake Proctor.
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We traveled about two miles on FM 2318 before we came to the intersection with County Road 424. This county road is a dirt road, and from here to Fred's Mom's house there won't be any pavement.
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Fred has described his mother's house to me numerous times, and I have seen some of the pictures he has taken of it on his trips down here. Since I have known him, he has made perhaps 250 trips down here- once a month at least. But it was really neat to see the house for myself.
I am well aware of the very, very private nature of Fred's mom, and so I was fully prepared not to actually see her before I left. But, perhaps because I have talked to her before, when Fred asked her if she would like to come to the front door so I could pay my respects, she acquiesced. I put my camera down and said hello and chatted for a moment with her. It was nice to see her in person after all these years of being best friends with her son.
When Fred was all unloaded, I took my leave and headed back to DeLeon with the RAV4. Fred will call me tomorrow when it is time to come back and pick him up, but, for now, I have an opportunity to explore DeLeon and some of the surrounding countryside.
At the DeLeon Inn
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I got a room in the long building at the back (south) of the motel property, put all my stuff in it, and then headed out to drive down to Commanche, about fifteen miles south, just to see what the countryside looked like.
But since I had to drive right through downtown DeLeon, I thought I would stop and walk around for a bit and see what there was here.
The Town of DeLeon
Ranching dominated the area until the 1890s, when cotton became the primary crop. When the boll weevil began to make inroads to the area after 1910, farmers began to plant the small Spanish peanut. That quickly became the dominate crop and in 1913, the De Leon Peanut Company was organized. Over time, De Leon and Comanche County became the leading peanut producing county in the U.S. Most of the peanuts went into candy and Nabisco eventually purchased the De Leon Peanut Company. In the last two decades peanut production has dropped dramatically.
De Leon boast one of the oldest festivals in Texas, the De Leon Peach and Melon Festival, which had its beginnings in 1914 and is now celebrated during the first full week in August. The current watermelon seed spitting distance record as recongnized by the Guinness Book of World Records of 78 feet 6 inches was set at the 1995 festival. Among De Leon's unique events is the only paid appearance by Elvis Presley in which he sang only gospel music; it occurred in 1955. The town motto is "Busiest Town, Friendliest People."
I drove on down to Commanche to see what that town was like, and stopped at the grocery store to get some snacks and stuff while I was there. On the way back into town, I passed what Fred later told me was a new sign that was recently put up on the south side of town: Welcome to De Leon, Texas.
I went back to the DeLeon Inn for a bit, and then headed out for a walk through town.
I walked through a significant portion of the town of DeLeon, basically just wandering wherever it looked interesting. You might like to follow me, or at least see where I went, so I've drawn my route on an aerial view of the main part of town. You can use the scrollable window below to follow me as I go from the motel to the cemetery and then back through town to the motel again:
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Fred had suggested that I walk to the DeLeon Cemetery so that I could see the Nabors family area. So I consulted Google Maps, got the general location, and headed off in that direction.
The DeLeon Cemetery: The Nabors Clan
The headstone you see at left is for Fred's dad, Sexton V. Nabors, who died just about six months after I met Fred. I remember the event clearly; it was a bad time for Fred. The other spot is reserved to Fred's stepmother, Nina (whom we will be visiting tomorrow). It is a very nice, very tasteful marker.
I left the cemetery by walking southeast through it heading back towards the center of town.
The Cats of DeLeon
As I walked through the neighborhood, turning left then right again to get over to Texas Street, I must have seen a dozen more cats. Some looked like pets- well-cared for or on porches and such, but some looked like general neighborhood cats. None seemed to be starving or feral, though. For the rest of the afternoon I wondered why I'd seen so many cats (and, thinking back on it, oddly enough, absolutely no dogs). I didn't get a partial answer to that question until I was buying a Subway sandwich for dinner and happened to inquire about the cats. The lady making my sandwich explained that the current mayor, a cat person, had seen fit to enforce all the city regulations about dogs wandering loose, but had resisted efforts to implement similar restrictions for cats. Let's hope the cats can vote.
The Signs of DeLeon
Towards the end of my walk, I stopped at the local Subway to get a sandwich for dinner, and I went back to the DeLeon Inn to download all my pictures and work on this narrative.
At the DeLeon Library
Along about three o'clock, he called to tell me he was ready to be picked up, so I packed up my own stuff and was just about to head out when a display of new books by the front window caught my eye. I took a picture of it, and you can see it at left. I think this picture sums up DeLeon more accurately that any picture I've taken so far.
I drove back out to Fred's mom's place and picked him up, and then he began his directions to Nina's house by having me drive right back through downtown DeLeon and back to Texas Highway 3.
Dinner with Nina and Our Return to Dallas
When we got to Nina's house, we just pulled into the driveway to greet her and Fred's nephews Garet and Nathan, who were playing in the front yard.
Nina had been watching the kids while Melinda (Fred's brother Troy's wife) was at work. Nina is often called on to perform sitting chores; I think she likes it but the kids can be a lot to handle. We had just about finished eating when Troy came by the restaurant to get the kids and take them to their Bible study class and then home.
Nina, Fred and I returned to her house where she served us a delicious strawberry-rhubarb pie that she had baked while we were gone. We visited for a while and then Fred and I headed home. Now I know my way to Nina's house, for Henderson Street simply continued east to I-35W which we took north to Fort Worth. From there, we took 121 and the Airport Freeway to get back over to Dallas (although I-30 is just as good) and back to my house.
I enjoyed my trip to DeLeon. After hearing about it for so very many years, and after seeing Fred off for a trip down there more times than I can count, it was really something for me to see it in person. Now I can visualize the route he takes and where he goes, and that's good.
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October 12-26, 2011: A Trip to Florida |
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September 24 - October 1, 2011: A Trip to New England |
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