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May 3, 2008: Liza Minelli at Bass Hall |
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March 25 - April 2, 2008: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale |
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I caught Nancy and Toni having just got their programs autographed and seemingly enjoying the experience of meeting the two Munchkin actors. The rest of us waited off to the side, and I got a good picture of Mario, Fred and Steve as we waited for the house lights to dim indicating it was time to head to our seats.
Eventually the house lights were dimmed, and all six of us headed up to the Grand Tier and our seats.
The Performance
I also want to so something a bit different in the way I show these films to you, although this is perhaps overkill. I have obtained a copy of the full script for the movie, and what I will do for each of my movie clips is to include the portion of that script that is shown visually in the movie. So, for each movie, there will first be a link that you can click on to watch the movie and then right after that the relevant portion of the script (including staging and camera directions, if any). None of the movies is more than a minute or two long, but right after each link that starts a movie I will give you a link that you can use to skip the script portion and go directly to the next movie. Don't forget to close (or minimize) your movie player window at the end of each movie.
(Incidentally, I found the movie script to be very interesting, what with the camera and staging directions and all. You might, also, and you can find it the same way I did- on the Internet. It is available at a number of sites.)
So, without any more introduction, the movies I took at "The Wizard of Oz," with music supplied by the Dallas Symphony:
Movie #1:
Opening title and credits; Introduction
FADE IN -- Title and Credits
FADE IN -- Title:
For nearly forty years this story has given faithful service to the Young
in Heart; and Time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of
To those of you who have been faithful to it in return
...and to the Young in Heart --- we dedicate this picture.
Movie #2:
"Over The Rainbow"
Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away -- behind the moon -- beyond the rain --
Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high,
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do....
CS -- Toto by wheel of rake -- listening to song --
...come true....
MCS -- Dorothy singing -- swings on wheel of rake -- then walks forward around wheel -- Toto jumps up onto seat of rake -- Dorothy pets him -- sits on front of rake -- CAMERA PULLS back -- Dorothy finishes song --
...Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow,
Why then -- oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh, why can't I?
Movie #3:
"We're Not in Kansas Anymore"
CS -- Toto -- Dorothy's feet in b.g. --
MCS -- Glinda and Dorothy -- they speak and look o.s. to l.f.g.--
MCS -- Wicked Witch of the East's feet protruding from under the farm house --
MCU -- Dorothy looks o.s. to l.f.g. -- reacts --
MCU -- Glinda looks o.s. to Dorothy and speaks --
MCU -- Dorothy looks to l.f.g. -- speaks -- reacts to noise o.s. --
MCU -- Glinda looks to r.f.g. and speaks --
MCU -- Dorothy looks to l.f.g. -- reacts -- speaks -- curtsies --
MCU -- Glinda looks to r.f.g. and speaks --
MCS -- Glinda and Dorothy -- they speak -- Dorothy reacts to noise o.s. -- CAMERA TRUCKS back -- Munchkins enter from b.g. behind flowers -- Glinda sings --
Come out, come out, wherever you are And meet the young lady who fell from a star.
LS -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Toto with them -- Munchkins in f.g. -- others enter in b.g. -- Glinda leads Dorothy toward the b.g. as she sings -- CAMERA BOOMS up and forward --
She fell from the sky, she fell very far. And Kansas she says is the name of the star.
MLS -- Munchkins -- one rises from manhole in street -- they sing and move toward the r.f.g. --
Movie #4:
CS -- Witch -- looks o.s. to Munchkins -- Munchkins in b.g. -- react and run -- CAMERA BOOMS left with Witch to farm house -- she looks at Witch of the East's feet protruding from under the farm house --
Ext. Civic Center of Munchkin Village -- MCS -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Dorothy holding Toto as she looks o.s. to left f.g. -- is frightened -- speaks with Glinda --
MS -- The Wicked Witch turns away from the farm house -- CAMERA PANS, TRUCKS right with her as she goes to Dorothy and Glinda -- the Munchkins are prostrate on the ground in b.g. -- The Witch speaks with Glinda and Dorothy --
CS -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Dorothy speaks to the Witch o.s. in f.g. --
MCU -- Witch -- speaks to Dorothy o.s. -- waves her broomstick about --
MS -- Witch, Dorothy and Glinda -- Munchkins on the ground in b.g. -- The Witch reacts as Glinda speaks - CAMERA TRUCKS left with her as she turns, goes back to the wrecked farm house --
MS -- The Witch of the East's legs protruding from underneath the wrecked house -- the ruby slippers disappear and the stockings are drawn back under the house --
CS -- The Witch reacts as she looks down -- then turns, looks back to o.s. f.g. -- speaks --
MLS -- The Witch kneeling down by the house -- she rises, CAMERA TRUCKS her right to Dorothy and Glinda -- Glinda stops her, points down to Dorothy's feet --
CU -- The ruby slippers on Dorothy's feet -- Glinda's wand points to them --
MCU -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Dorothy reacts as she looks down -- gasps as she looks at the Witch o.s., then up at Glinda --
WITCH o.s.
MCU -- Witch speaks to Dorothy o.s.--
MCU -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Glinda advises Dorothy --
WITCH o.s.
MS -- The Witch rises, threatens Dorothy -- Glinda laughs, speaks -- the Witch reacts, looks up o.s. -- then continues to threaten Dorothy --
Oh, rubbish! You have no power here. Be gone, before somebody drops a house on you, too.
MCU -- Witch threatens Dorothy o.s. in f.g. --
MCU -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Dorothy reacts as the Witch laughs o.s. --
WITCH o.s.
MLS -- The Witch backs away from Dorothy and Glinda as the CAMERA BOOMS back -- she laughs menacingly -- the Munchkins hug the ground with fear -- the Witch disappears in a cloud of fire and smoke --
MCS -- Glinda and Dorothy -- Glinda speaks to the Munchkins o.s.
Movie #5:
CS -- Dorothy turns, starts to speak to Glinda o.s. in f.g. --
CS -- Glinda speaks to Dorothy o.s. in f.g. --
CS -- Dorothy look up o.s., open-mouthed with astonishment -- she speaks -- CAMERA PANS down to her feet as she starts to follow the Yellow Brick Road -- CAMERA PULLS back slightly as she walks around it -- the Mayor steps in, speaks to her -- other Munchkins speak -- CAMERA PANS left with Dorothy as she progresses along the road -- other Munchkins give her
advice --
ELS -- Shooting down from high set-up to Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road -- the Munchkins all grouped along the border of the road -- CAMERA BOOMS up as they sing while Dorothy walks around the road --
Follow the Yellow Brick
LS -- Dorothy comes forward down the Munchkin-lined Yellow Brick Road -- she dances, skips along -- CAMERA BOOMS rapidly back along the road ahead of her -- Munchkins entered lined up along the road -- all greet her, then follow her down the road -- the Five Fiddlers sing as they head the procession -- Dorothy passes through the gates of Munchkinland and exits
to f.g. -- the Munchkins stop at the gates --
You're off to see the Wizard
ELS -- Dorothy dances down the Yellow Brick Road to the b.g. -- camera shooting over the heads of the Munchkins in the f.g. as they sing to her -- she turns, waves to them -- they wave back and Dorothy continues on down the road as the Munchkins cheer --
When the house lights dimmed again, we went back to our seats and the rest of the performance.
Movie #6:
CS -- Tin Man, Dorothy and Scarecrow -- Lion hiding behind the Tin Man -- all tremble with fear --
WITCH o.s.
MCU -- Witch smiles as she looks up o.s. -- CAMERA PANS up as she holds her broom up to the torch on wall --
CS -- The Four react with fear --
MCU -- The broomstick catches fire -- CAMERA PANS down to the Witch as she lowers it -- speaks --
CS -- Lion, Tin Man, Dorothy and Scarecrow -- all react as the broom is thrust into the scene and catches the Scarecrow's arm on fire -- he shouts, Dorothy screams -- Dorothy picks up a bucket as the CAMERA PULLS back, throws the water on Scarecrow --
MS -- Dorothy throwing water at Scarecrow -- some of it hits the Witch in the face -- Tin Man standing at left with the Lion --
MCU -- The water hits the Witch in the face --
MS -- The Witch screams as the water hits her -- Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy and Scarecrow look at her --
MLS -- The Lion, Tin Man, Dorothy and Scarecrow watch the Witch as she screams and melts away -- camera shooting past Winkies in the f.g. -- the Witch curses as she disappears, finally only her cloak and hat remain on the floor -- her voice fades away --
CS -- Lion, Tin Man, Dorothy and Scarecrow looking down o.s. amazed --
CS -- Shooting down to the Witch's cloak and hat smoldering on the floor -- Toto enters from left and sniffs at them -- CAMERA PULLS back slightly as Nikko enters, growls --
Movie #7:
Int. Throne room -- LS -- Throne -- Oz's voice booms out as the CAMERA PULLS back to reveal the Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion and Tin Man standing in front of it --
MLS -- The Four trembling with fear -- CAMERA PULLS back as Dorothy comes forward with the broomstick and places it on the steps to throne -- she speaks --
MLS -- Throne --
MS -- Dorothy smiling, with the Tin Man, Lion and the Scarecrow in back of her also looking pleased -- she speaks -- they react as Oz speaks --
MLS -- Throne --
Movie #8:
MS -- A group of Oz men react as they look up o.s. -- they bow out of the scene -- suddenly Glinda appears in the scene -- CAMERA TRUCKS back to left over heads of the bowing Oz people as she moves down the steps and up onto the platform to Dorothy, Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow --
CS -- Dorothy, Glinda and Scarecrow on the platform -- Dorothy speaks with Glinda -- CAMERA PULLS back to enter Tin Man and Lion -- Tin Man speaks --
MCU -- Dorothy -- Lion behind her -- she speaks --
MCS -- Tin Man, Dorothy, Glinda, Scarecrow and Lion on platform -- they speak -- Glinda points down to Dorothy's slippers --
CS -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Scarecrow in b.g. -- Dorothy reacts, speaks -- turns about -- begins to cry as she realizes she will lose her three friends -- CAMERA PANS her left to Tin Man -- she wipes his tears away -- gives him his oil can and then kisses him -- then CAMERA TRUCKS forward slightly as she says goodbye to the Lion -- PANS right slightly as she
turns to the Scarecrow -- hugs him -- then steps back to Glinda as CAMERA PANS slightly --
MS -- Dorothy waves Toto's paw at the Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow -- then speaks to Glinda -- Glinda instructs her --
MCU -- Dorothy's heels as she clicks them together three times --
MCU -- Dorothy and Glinda -- Glinda instructs her -- waves her wand -- Dorothy closes her eyes -- CAMERA TRUCKS in to a big CU of Dorothy -- she speaks -- the scene darkens behind her --
ELS - The Munchkins waving goodbye from the gates of the Munchkin Village -
CS - The Witch laughing -
MCS - The Wizard at the control panel in the Throne Room - he turns, looks o.s. to f.g. - reacts - pulls the curtain -
MS - Glinda leading the Munchkins in a dance - Munchkins in the b.g. -
MCU - Lion growling -
MS - The Tin Man breaking in the door of the Witch's Tower Room -
MS - Hickory's Wind Machine on the Gale farm -
CS - Horse looking out from stall -
CS - Cow - CAMERA PANS slightly -
MCS - Chickens moving about -
CS - Auntie Em offers forward a plate of crullers -
CU -- Dorothy lying on pillow -- she mumbles -- Aunt Em's hands enter -- put cloth on Dorothy's head --
AUNT EM o.s.
The Rest of the Evening
After the performance, we all met for a late supper at Gloria's, where we had a chance to meet and talk with Nancy and Toni. Finally, it was coffee and cake at my house before the evening drew to a close.
"I'll Get You, My Pretty...and Your Little Dog, Too!"
Use the movie player at left to watch the portion of the film covered by the following script section (or skip directly to the next movie clip by clicking here)
I thought you said she was dead.
That was her sister -- the Wicked Witch of the East. This is the Wicked Witch of the West. And she's worse than the other one was.
Who killed my sister? Who killed the Witch of the East? Was it you? Answer me!
Leave her alone!
You stay out of this! I'm here for vengeance! So it was you, was it? You killed her,....
...didn't you?
No -- No! It was an accident! I didn't mean to kill anybody!....
...Really I didn't!
Didn't mean it, eh? Accident, eh? Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents, too -- and this is how I do it!
Aren't you forget-....
...ting the ruby slippers?
The slippers -- yes.....the slippers!
They're gone!
The ruby slippers! What have you done with them? Give them back to me, or I'll ---
It's too late! There they....
...are, and there they'll stay!
Give me back my slippers!
I'm the only one that knows how to use them. They're of no use to you! Give them back to me!
Give them back!
Keep tight inside of them -- their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn't want them so badly!
You stay out of this, Glinda, or I'll fix you as well!
Very well -- I'll bide my time -- and as for you, my fine lady, it's true, I can't attend to you here and now as I'd like, but just try to stay out of my way....
... -- just try! I'll get you, my....
...pretty, and your little dog, too!
It's all right. You can get up -- she's gone.
"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!"
Use the movie player at left to watch the portion of the film covered by the following script section (or skip directly to the next movie clip by clicking here)
But -- what happens if I ---
Just follow the Yellow Brick Road.
My -- ! People come and go so quickly here! Follow the Yellow Brick Road. Follow the Yellow Brick Road?
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow the...
...Yellow Brick
Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was.
If ever oh ever a Wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz
Is one because
Because, because, because, because, because...
Because of the wonderful things he does....
You're off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!
There was an intermission just after Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion reached the gates of the Emerald City, and we all went down to the lobby as we usually do. Nancy and Toni went down to look at more of the movie memorabilia while the four of us stayed up on the balcony looking down on them. We just chatted for a while, and I made a movie of the scene, which begins with an image of the Emerald City that was projected on the front wall of the lobby. You can watch that movie using the player at left.
"I'm Melting! I'm Melting!"
Use the movie player at left to watch the portion of the film covered by the following script section (or skip directly to the next movie clip by clicking here)
And the last to go will see the first three go before her! And your mangy little dog, too!
How about a little fire, Scarecrow?
No -- No -- No -- No!
Ohh! OHH! OHH!
Help! I'm burning! I'm burning! I'm burning! Help! Help! Help!
Ohhh -- you cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh -- what a world -- what a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!? Ohhh! Look out! Look out! I'm going. Ohhhh! Ohhhhhh....
"We'd Like You to Keep Your Promise to Us!"
Use the movie player at left to watch the portion of the film covered by the following script section (or skip directly to the next movie clip by clicking here)
Can I believe my eyes? Why....
...have you come back?
Please, sir. We've done what you told us. We've brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West. We melted her.
Oh ....
...you liquidated her, eh? Very....
Yes, sir. So we'd like you to keep your promise to us, if you please, sir.
Not so fast! Not....
...so fast! I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow!
"There's No Place Like Home; There's No Place Like Home!"
Use the movie player at left to watch the portion of the film covered by the following script section (or skip directly to the next movie clip by clicking here)
Oh, will you help me? Can you help me?
You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas.
I have?
Then why didn't you tell her before?
Because she wouldn't have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.
What have you learned, Dorothy?
Well, I -- I think that it -- that it wasn't enough just to want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em -- and it's that -- if
I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with! Is that right?
That's all it is!
But that's so easy! I should have thought of it for you.
I should have felt it in my heart.
No. She had to find it out for herself. Now, those magic slippers will take you home in two seconds!
...Toto, too?
Toto, too.
Oh, now?
Whenever you wish.
Oh, dear -- that's too wonderful to be true! Oh, it's -- it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. I love you all, too. Goodbye, Tin Man. Oh, don't cry. You'll rust so dreadfully. Here -- here's your oil-can. Goodbye.
Now I know I've got a heart -- 'cause it's breaking.
Oh -- Goodbye, Lion. You know, I know it isn't right, but I'm going to miss the way you used to holler for help before you found your courage.
Well -- I would never've found it if it hadn't been for you.
I think I'll miss you most of all.
Are you ready now?
Yes. Say goodbye, Toto.
Yes, I'm ready now.
Then close your eyes, and tap your heels together three times.
And think to yourself -- "There's no place like home; there's no place like home; there's no place like home."
There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.
There's no place like...
...home. There's no place....
...like home. There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
-- there's no place like home -- there's no place like home --
Dorothy - Dorothy! It's me -- Aunt Em.
May 3, 2008: Liza Minelli at Bass Hall
March 25 - April 2, 2008: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale
Return to Index for 2008