August 21-29, 2007: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale |
August 6-8, 2007: A Visit to Ruckman Haus in San Antonio |
Return to Index for 2007 |
August 12, 2007
The Mathis-Nabors Birthday Bash
Well, it's that time of year again. Ron was born on August 1, and Fred was born on August 6, and so, as we have done for quite a few years now, we celebrate their birthdays together. And again, as usual, we are doing so at Ron's house in Plano, on a Sunday afternoon (to accommodate Chris Young, who works on Saturdays). Fred and I got there a bit early so we could help Jay with whatever he might need in setting up, and the rest of the guests arrived later.
Before dinner, we all caught up with each other while noshing on the many delicious hors d'oeuvres that Jay had prepared. Here are some of the pictures that Fred and I took of the various conversations going on:
Barbara chats with Ron Mathis and Jay while Fred and I play a game of pool. |
Jay is showing me the latest Star Trek collectible that he found on Ebay, while Chris Young looks on. |
Lou Acevedo and I are posing for Fred's picture, while I am waiting to play the next game of pool with Ron. |
Barbara, our friend and Ron are chatting while Jay is working on some of the dishes for the dinner. |
Jay is working on the kabobs. |
Barbara and Ron share a hug while the grill is on autopilot. |
Ron eventually came into the kitchen to get the kabobs, and he took them right out to the grill, where Fred captured the
barbecue chef
hard at work.
Brad and Chris Young |
Jay is hard at work in the kitchen getting all the side dishes ready to take to the buffet when the barbecueing is finished. |
Here is a picture to took before dinner of
Barbara and Jay.
When everything was ready, Ron and Jay took most of the dishes into the dining room so that everyone could start
fixing their plates
and sitting down to dinner. As usual, everything that Ron and Jay fixed was wonderful. After dinner, both Fred and I took pictures of the entire group. The best one was one that I took with Fred's camera, and you can see that picture
at left.
Once cake was served, we gathered in the living room to watch
open their birthday gifts and cards.
Fred got some candles
from our friend, and seemed particularly pleased with them.
The rest of us sat around and watched, and you can see the gallery
It was another great birthday party, and all of us thank Ron and Jay for hosting!
You can use the links below to continue to another photo album page.
August 21-29, 2007: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale |
August 6-8, 2007: A Visit to Ruckman Haus in San Antonio |
Return to Index for 2007 |