At the Riverview Gardens Dock
Well, today is our last day here, unfortunately. We are going to spend some time down at the dock waiting for Ty and Scott to come over from their guesthouse. Since we are leaving, they will be moving back into the condo, and when they get here this morning, we will make some breakfast and then go for a walk along the river.
When we got down to the dock, Fred got on the phone with Frank and Joe while I took some pictures and movies. The
view upriver
is certainly changing. The nearest high-rise is the new Las Olas Grand, and just behind it is the Water Garden. On the other side of the river is a big new apartment complex going up; I am not sure what its name is going to be. The inset picture looks downriver along the dock; you can see that there aren't any owner boats tied up here right now. I think the spaces are all being rented but no one, apparently, has seen fit to get a boat and dock it here in their space.
As I said,
Fred was on the phone
while I was taking some pictures and making some movies of the river traffic going by this morning. I made three movies of the river traffic, and, if you want, you can watch those movies with the players below:
About ten o'clock, Ty and Scott arrived, and Ty made breakfast for all of us. We sat around discussing the place where they had stayed and also tossed around some ideas for a major condo renovation while we ate. You can watch a movie of Ty fixing breakfast with the player at left.
A Walk to Riverfront Center
After breakfast, we thought that we would take a walk along the river before Fred and I had to start getting packed up to leave for home. We left the condo and walked up to Las Olas, and then along there to the beginning of the Riverwalk. It seemed as if all the
cafes were full of patrons
for lunch today. It is "season," of course, so we expect crowds at this time of year. Just before you get to the tunnel, there is the Cheesecake Factory, which is fairly new, right on the corner, and I stopped to take a picture of
the guys in front of the Cheesecake Factory.
Just beyond the old Hyde Park Market, the Riverwalk begins, and the first building we pass is the
Las Olas Grand Condominium,
which is still under construction. Then, right beside it, is the new
Water Garden Condominium
with its beautiful fountain and sculpture out front. Then, as we cross under the Third Avenue Bridge, we can see the new
River House Condominium,
which is also still under construction.
As we continued to walk along the Riverwalk, enjoying the warm sunshine, I made a couple of movies of the scenery we were passing, and you can watch those movies with the players below:
Then we came to
Riverfront Center-
the entertainment, restaurant and shopping complex that is the centerpiece of the Riverwalk system. We spent some time there just looking around before we headed back to the condo by way of Las Olas.
As you have undoubtedly already seen in previous pictures, there is a spectacular
at the corner of Andrews and Las Olas. The fountain is beautiful in the daytime, but even more so at night, when there are colored lights playing across it. I took a couple of movies of us at the fountain, and you can watch those movies with the players below:
We got back to the condo in the early afternoon, and Ty and Scott went to run some errands while Fred and I got our stuff packed for the trip home. They arrived back just in time to bid us goodbye as we headed off to the airport.
February 28, 2004: Florida Trip Day 8 |
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