January 5-6, 2004
My First Trip to Pervasive in Austin
As you may already know, Pervasive Corporation has acquired Data Junction Corporation. This was done late last year, and you may already have read about it in this photo album. We have closed the old office that my training group used to operate out of, and we have moved into the Pervasive offices in northwest Austin. Although my first trip down here this year was really for business, this was such a significant change that I thought I would make a regular album page for it. I will be spending a lot of time here over the next year, or until I decide to stop working, whichever occurs first.
Driving to the Offices
On this trip, I am going to try to capture the offices on film. I have usually stayed with Greg whenever I come to Austin, and so my normal route to the office is from his house on Spicewood Springs. To get to Pervasive, I take Spicewood Springs to Research Blvd. (183), then take 183 a mile or so towards town, and then make a U-turn to get on the service road heading northwest. This enables me to turn right onto Riata Trace Parkway.
I've marked where I took the first few movies on the map above left, and you can use the labeled movie players below to watch them:
On Riata Trace Parkway (#1), just after I turned onto that road from 183
I pass some of the office complexes (#2) that line the parkway all the way down to where Pervasive is
Almost at the end of Riata Trace Parkway (#3), I can turn off the parkway and into the complex where Pervasive's building is
There is lots of parking all around our building, but today I parked right in front (#4) and walked over to the building entrance. Follow along with the movie below:
In the Offices
I don't have a building schematic to show you, so I will just describe our portion of the offices to you. After I walk in the front entrance, and past the reception desk, I continue through the lobby to the back of the building, and then go through a card entry door to a hallway on the left (which you can see if you play the movie at left).
Then I can continue down this hallway to the door at the end. On this particular day, Chris Rubin, the Training Director, happened to be out in the hall, and in the movie below she leads us into the admin area:
In the admin area, Chris was intrigued by my little camera, and so she tried her hand at taking a short movie of me that you can watch with the player below:
I had some paperwork to do with Peggy, the admin assistant, but then I went back out the door we'd entered, and back down the hallway just a few feet to that door I passed earlier, which is now on my left. The last movie covers the process of my going through that card entry door, walking a few feet down another hallway and then entering my interior office on the left and having a quick look around. You can watch that last movie with the player at left.
If you want to know more about the Pervasive Offices and also the trips I took this year for business, you can return to the Index for 2004 and then access the Business Trips Page using the link at the bottom of the Index.