As has been the case in prior years, the album pages for the years covered by this index will contain much content from websites on the Internet. Of course, this information was not available in when the pictures on these pages were taken, and it is only because these pages were created in 2016 that I am able to include it.

1989 Photograph Album Pages

October 7: A Day in Las Colinas
October 14: At Home in Dallas
November 22-25: Grant's Parents Visit Dallas

1990 Photograph Album Pages

May 5-13: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale
August 11-19: Finding a Condo in Fort Lauderdale
September 19-30: Moving into the Condo in Fort Lauderdale
November 10-18: A Trip to Fort Lauderdale
November-December: The Holidays in Dallas

1991 Photograph Album Pages

A Personal Note for 1991
February 8-17: A Visit to Fort Lauderdale
October 19-26: Our Caribbean Cruise
A Door Closes...                
                ...A Door Opens