December 22-28: Christmas in North Carolina
November 13-27, 1977: Two Weeks in Hawaii
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December 15, 1977
Flying with Tony in Boston


In December, I was in Wellesley at the office, and Tony, who is a private pilot, took me up for a spin in a rented plane. He is an excellent pilot, but I find small planes kind of uncomfortable, mostly because of the continual drone of the engine, which tends to give me a headache. However, this day we did get up on a beautiful day for flying.

On this page, I just have a few pictures, but they will contrast flying in a small plane versus flying in a big one. First, let's look at some pictures I took as Tony and I flew from Hanscom Field, northeast of Boston, to another airport up towards Maine (the name of which I have forgotten.

Tony was sitting to my right, so this is a view out the left window of the little Cessna. There was snow pretty much all over the inland areas of New England already.

Here we are coming in for a landing at the second airport that we flew to. It was a treat to get this kind of view of our landing.

We are landing on runway 36 (which means that the runway is oriented north-south; 360° is north).

We've landed and are taxiing, and it was bumpy. (Runway 9 would be 90° and would be east.)

It was really neat flying with Tony; I can't recall if I have been in a small plane like this before; the last time I flew anything smaller than a commercial plane was in Korea, when I flew in helicopters a few times. Tony is very meticulous with his flying- a great characteristic for a pilot.

Contrast those pictures with a couple I took on the flight home to Chicago:

We've taken off from Logan Airport, and are circling north to turn back west towards Chicago. These are, I believe, some of the islands off the Maine coast up towards Portland.

Now we've come back inland and are heading west, climbing over Massachusetts.

Other than the excursion with Tony, the trip in to the Cullinane office- my last business trip of the year- was uneventful.


You can use the links below to continue to another photo album page.

December 22-28: Christmas in North Carolina
November 13-27, 1977: Two Weeks in Hawaii
Return to Index for 1977