October 6-9, 1972: Jenny Fallis Visits Chicago
September, 1972: Diary Entry
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September 16-20, 1972
A Trip Home to North Carolina


Now, in September, I was taking the one week vacation that I got from the Bank in my first half-year. I left my Mom in August, wondering how she would get along without my Dad around to do things, but I needn't have worried.

When I returned in September, she had almost completed the process of settling his will, and had already gotten her own drivers license. I spent most of the week with my Mom in Charlotte, although I did make a one day trip to my sister's place in Burlington and an overnight trip to Windy Hill Beach.


I Re-Visit Windy Hill Beach in South Carolina

The last time I was in Windy Hill Beach was in the summer of 1967, before going to ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Right after completing our junior year at Davidson, Art Abplanalp took Peter Guerrant (my college roommate), myself, and John Smith (a friend of Art's) down to Windy Hill Beach before he (Art) returned to his home in Charleston, West Virginia, for the summer.

At left is an aerial view of the Myrtle Beach area that shows you where Windy Hill Beach is. Actually, in the almost 45 years since the summer of 1972, Windy Hill has been subsumed into North Myrtle Beach, and is no longer the quirky beach community that it was when we visited in 1967 and when I visited again this year.

On the aerial view, I have also marked where the Windy Hill Pier used to be; I have not been able to find out just when the pier was destroyed or taken down, but in 2019 it is no longer there. (The location I marked is an educated guess, as the area has changed so dramatically. Back in 1972, I could remember and find again the motel where we stayed in 1967, and I stayed there again. I just walked around the beach area that afternoon, and had a good seafood dinner before returning to Charlotte the next day.

Considering my penchant for coming "full circle," and revisiting places that have meant something to me, it was appropriate for me to come back to Windy Hill Beach.

The Pier at Windy Hill Beach
The View Underneath the Pier

I did some walking along the beach, of course, and I found it a good place to reflect on the events so far this year. Here are a couple of views of the beach at Windy Hill:



At My Sister's in Burlington

I made a day trip up to Burlington to visit Judy and Bob, Ted and Jeffie at their house there.

Ted and Jeffie

The kids are growing rapidly; Ted is 3 and Jeffie is two and they are already adorable.

Of course, I am creating this page in 2019 and so have a chance to update the narrative that I wrote in 1979 as I was creating my physical photo album. Right now, Ted is nearing 50 years old, and is a Police Officer in Charlotte. Jeffie is a year younger, and lives in Prague, Czech Republic, teaching English and traveling the world!


Returning to Chicago

I was very impressed with all that my Mom had accomplished, and how quickly she was taking over all the things that my Dad used to do for her and for the family. I had been worried that she'd have a hard time without him, but I am not worried anymore.

As my return flight came back over Chicago, I got two good pictures of the downtown area:



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October 6-9, 1972: Jenny Fallis Visits Chicago
September, 1972: Diary Entry
Return to Index for 1972